Sunday, November 27, 2016


Tool Making Info

So here's some of the things we are learning about in class. I was sleepy this morning, wish I had taken better notes but these photos are helpful and I plan to research it more online.

We each got a piece of metal and are working on it. I am making a gouging type tool. We are learning to file it down in the most efficient and fairly quiet ears were hurting I must admit but after a bit people got the hang of it. Slow and steady...

Later we got a piece of lovely red cedar and we will be working on it, creating our first personal design and from these ideas we hope to create panels.

Some students from the Aboriginal Studies program came for a visit and that was nice. I had a very nice chat with one lovely young woman.

There's apparently a lot of interest in what we are doing. It totally new and many people, especially people in the education system wondering how they can incorporate what we are doing into their classrooms.

And so the journey continues. Today again I was totally exhausted when I got home, mentally and physically, I had to take a nap right after I ate. I have heard this is how we store memories into the long-term. I guess I have a lot of processing to do. ha! ha!

I will try to post more soon on my design and the progress of my work.
Tomorrow they are Raising the Survivors Pole on the DTES and I hope to get down there to document it and share in the celebration. Been watching carefully everything that is happening in Standing Rock...we are living in a very interesting time.

We are on the cusp of something big. Only time will tell...when we look back 10, 20 or 30 years from now and remember what was happening. That's why I created this document and share the journey, so it's not forgotten.

To much has been forgotten..but not all is lost. That's our job, to bring it back. I plan to work hard to do my part, as hard as it is, it's my responsibility for my great great grandmas, my child, to myself and for humanity.

I just want to say Thank you, to Aaron, Justin, Shane, Tomo and everyone at Langara and Aaron's mom and all the others who are so supportive of us. We need it, it's a difficult journey and I am grateful to everyone in my class, in our little community for making this journey with me. It's been scary, joyful, exhausting, exciting, a roller coaster but we are doing it. Step by step, we are making our way and I am grateful to you all. Big hugs!! Sending love and light to you all.

We don't have class next week, so it should be interesting what we accomplish between now and next class.

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