Sunday, November 27, 2016

Week 8

Rattles, Song, Prayers, Peace & Standing Rock

Where to start...
Every week there's so much to tell and sometimes I just get overwhelmed.

Let's start with last week..
Last week Shane Pointe let us shake a special rattle. We did this as we stood in a circle and held the others hand as we passed the rattle.

He had told us a very personal story and impressed upon that we had a mighty task upon us of how to honor the missing and murdered women.

I started to cry, but he said "No more tears" as we finished the shaking of the rattle and him singing beautiful song/prayer. He told us he had called on the beautiful souls of the women and asked them to help us.

As he took the rattle back and was putting it away..he chuckled his sweet laugh and said "the last time I did this(referring to using the rattle) I was with the Dali Lama."

"Wow!!" I can hear him so clearly. When you have been around him for a bit as we have been blessed, you can hear his voice so clearly and the funny things he says to break you out of the sadness. Because in this course there's a lot of sadness and I am struggling to deal with it.

That said I have made friends and have been blessed to be able to talk through my concerns with trusted new friends. We are becoming a little community and I am grateful.

Moving on...
This week we watch a film from Bella Bella and it told the story of Frank Brown. Wow! (I hear Shane's echo...ha! ha!)

This is the movie we saw.
but it's not online.

It was very's the butterfly effect, we have no idea how the actions of one can have profound effects on others.

This film below is from 2012, the one I saw was much older and showed and told the story of Frank Brown's early life and the amazing journey that he and his family and community have been on and how it has affected so many others. It's not on line, but I hope someone will put it on because it needs to be shared.

Here is some info about Frank Brown

I haven't read this link all but thought it looked interesting to share.

Here is Frank Brown's Facebook page

There's a lot of great videos about the sacred canoe journeys so I will make another post about them.

On a side note it was very cool to see and hear Ian Reid- he carved one of my favorite masks. And just look at this now I see that I met Pam Brown at the MOA this year, amazing how we are all connected.
So now to get back on the path about what I was sharing today...
Yesterday I gave everyone in my class a little peace prayer flag, as a way to connect.
#PeacePrayerFlagProject #PeaceFlags#ClimateJustice #SocialJustice #Refugees #Poverty #Child #Mother #FAMILY #EARTH #LOVE #PEACE, #EnvironmentalJustice #SocialJustice #Harmony #StandingRock #CleansingOurWaters #SaveMyCoast #PeaceDay
Posting my Peace Prayer Flags for International #PeaceDay !!

I posted this video in 2012 but it's even more relevant today. We need peace and harmony and to respect the water and all living things if humanity is to continue.

Standing Rock, we need to pray very hard for them, for us, FOR THE WATER, for the people that were hurt yesterday, for the police who hurt the water protectors and for the horse the police killed.

Sending out bundles of love and praying for peace.

I know we are facing some dark times but music has helped through out history. Here are some songs that have inspired me. This video about the power of song has some very interesting concepts and I hope you will consider it.

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